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Arthritis Infections

Bacterial joint inflammation needing Bacterial Joint Inflammation treatment in Guntur is a serious and painful infection in a joint. It’s also known as bacterial or septic arthritis. Bacteria can get into your joint and cause rapid cartilage deterioration and bone damage. This can lead to significant pain, swelling, redness, and loss of movement. Infectious arthritis is infection in the fluid and tissues of a joint usually caused by bacteria but occasionally by viruses or fungi.

Per bacterial joint infection hospitals in Guntur, there are two types of infectious arthritis:

  1. Acute
  2. Chronic


Acute infectious arthritis that is caused by bacteria begins quickly. Most cases of infectious arthritis are sudden. Acute infectious arthritis can affect healthy people as well as people who have risk factors, ex. Diabetes, on steroids. Cartilage within the joint, which is essential for normal joint function, which can be destroyed or damaged needs bacterial joint infection treatment in Guntur.


Chronic infectious arthritis begins gradually over several weeks. Very few cases of infectious arthritis are chronic. Chronic infectious arthritis most often affects people who have risk factors.

You can usually make a full recovery with early medical intervention. However, any delay of treatment could lead to permanent joint disability and even septic shock. The type of bacterium causing your infection determines your symptoms. General symptoms of bacterial joint infection happen quickly. Children usually experience bacterial joint inflammation in their hips and shoulders. Adults tend to notice joint pain in their arms, legs, and particularly the knees, fingers. The back and neck are less commonly affected.

They symptoms may include

  1. Fever, difficulty in moving that joint
  2. pain in a joint
  3. swelling and redness
  4. warm skin over the joint
  5. lack of appetite
  6. fatigue
  7. elevated heart rate, palpitations

Getting the best and right choice of treatment quickly makes a big change on your long-term and helps you for longer period of time. You can usually expect to make a full recovery if you receive treatment within a day of the onset of symptoms. Without treatment, you may experience loss of joint function, joint degeneration, and infection spreading to other parts of your body.